
META | 022

Precision Time
Protocol Campaign

︎︎︎ Check it out
︎︎︎ Technical post

The engineers at Meta have made a  breakthrough with their invention of the Precision Time Protocol clock, a technology capable of synchronizing worldwide server networks at the nano-second level, resulting in more efficient performance.
The goal was to craft a compelling campaign targeted at the engineering community to drive traffic to the Github page and inspire widespread adoption of this revolutionary technology.

Role: Design + Illustration
My role was to illustrate the story intended for an animated video promoting PTP. Additionally, two blog posts were developed—one providing an overview and another delving into technical details. A four-minute animated video was crafted for the high-level post, and subsequently, we identified visually impactful elements that were repurposed as animated hero gifs for use in the blogs and across social media.


Campaign Video Styleframes ︎︎︎

Storyboard ︎︎︎

Motion Prepping – The Challenge ︎︎︎